Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 196

  • Blog

    Revenue group gets stuck on two new implementation questions


    FASB’s Transition Resource Group met recently to discuss revenue recognition implementation, but new questions were raised about whether there may be some lingering issues requiring more standard-setting attention from the board. Tammy Whitehouse has more.

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    EU Privacy Shield hits snag


    Somehow, U.S. and EU officials find themselves with a Privacy Shield proposal that both goes too far, and yet, not far enough. The Man From FCPA Tom Fox has more.

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    In Brazil, accountability has to start somewhere


    The effort to unseat embattled Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff is receiving criticism because it is really an effort by her even more corrupt rivals to grab power. While that may be correct, does it matter, asks Editor Bill Coffin. Or is it just a handy excuse for giving Rousseff and ...

  • Blog

    Unaoil-Can things get any bigger?


    The Justice Department and SEC have their work cut out for them, says FCPA blogger Tom Fox, as the Monaco-based Unaoil scandal—in which the company used commissions to bribe clients—may be the biggest corruption enforcement action yet.

  • Blog

    Permanent TSB names group chief risk officer


    Permanent TSB Group Holdings, a financial services company, has appointed Stephen Groarke as group chief risk officer. Groarke has been acting as interim chief risk officer since September 2015.

  • Blog

    Deutsche Bank names new global head of compliance


    Deutsche Bank has named Pamela Root as global head of compliance and group chief compliance officer. The company also named Peter Hazlewood as global head of anti-financial crime and group money-laundering reporting officer.

  • Blog

    Big 4 firm offers tips on assessing use of non-GAAP measures


    An upswing in corporate use of non-GAAP measures along with increased regulatory scrutiny of such reporting has inspired the folks at Deloitte to offer some tips on how to assess non-GAAP measures to assure they don’t run afoul of filing rules.

  • Blog

    Law firms under cyber-siege: now what?


    The past month has presumably been quite eye-opening for the many, many law firms that have been sleeping on their significant cybersecurity exposure. From an unusual and specific warning by the FBI, to reports of elite law firms being hacked, to the blockbuster "Panama Papers" matter, law firms are now ...

  • Blog

    SEC's Ceresney says more cybersecurity cases 'coming down the pike'


    The SEC has begun to bring cybersecurity-related enforcement actions under Regulation S-P of the Securities Act of 1933, and Enforcement Director Andrew Ceresney stated this week that more such cases are now "coming down the pike."

  • Reachingformoney

    New rule targets incentive-based pay at financial institutions


    Inching forward with one of the most-delayed—and controversial—mandates of the Dodd-Frank Act, the National Credit Union Administration has re-proposed a stalled 2011 rule proposal targeting incentive-based executive pay that encourages inappropriate risks at banks and credit unions. The proposed rules would impose clawback provisions and require executives and “significant risk ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB practice alert finds rash of doctored audit files


    The PCAOB this week published a staff audit practice alert emphasizing that improperly altering audit documentation in connection with a PCAOB inspection or investigation violates PCAOB rules requiring cooperation with its oversight activities and can result in disciplinary actions with severe consequences. “Evidence identified in connection with certain recent oversight ...

  • Blog

    France introduces anti-corruption bill


    France’s Finance Minister Michel Sapin introduced a proposed anti-corruption bill, Sapin II, to the French government last month that in many respects is inspired by anti-corruption laws already in place in the United States and United Kingdom. The bill, for example, “provides for the offense of corruptly influencing a foreign ...

  • Blog

    Newmont Mining discloses FCPA investigation


    Newmont Mining said this week in a securities filing that it is conducting an investigation relating to certain business activities of the company, its affiliates, and contractors in countries outside the United States. The gold mining company added that the investigation includes a review of compliance with the U.S. Foreign ...

  • Blog

    Sen. Warren not mad at SEC, just disappointed


    There are some basic certainties in life. Death. Taxes. The fact that "haters gonna hate." And to this list I think we can add that Sen. Elizabeth Warren will be "disappointed" in the SEC.

  • Blog

    FSOC turns focus to asset management


    Bringing a measure of transparency to its often secretive deliberations, the Financial Stability Oversight Council has released a public update on its review of potential risks to U.S. financial stability. Topping that list, beyond its controversial designations of banks and nonbanks as systemically important, are concerns about asset management products ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB previews improvements from 2015 inspection cycle


    A staff inspection brief issued this month by the PCAOB showed that preliminary counts from inspections performed in 2015 suggest the number of audit deficiencies for the largest firms has fallen, while deficiencies at smaller firms is, overall, high. The PCAOB brief stated that inspectors observed “indications of improved audit ...

  • Blog

    Greater scrutiny of merger activity in the defense industry on the way?


    The Justice Department and FTC this month issued a joint statement reaffirming the importance of preserving competition in the defense industry. The statement may have been prompted by threats made by the Department of Defense to seek legislation to expand its role in the review of mergers and acquisitions in ...

  • Blog

    Theranos and compliance


    One of the most compelling business stories over the past 18 months or so has been that of the Theranos, the developer of a perhaps revolutionary blood testing system, which allegedly allow testing of blood with such a small amount a person would only need their finger pricked. No longer ...

  • Blog

    SEC resolves two financial fraud cases


    The SEC this week announced financial fraud cases against a pair of companies and their former executives accused of various accounting failures that left investors without accurate depictions of company finances. “We are intensely focused on whether companies and their officers evaluate judgmental accounting issues in good faith and based ...

  • Blog

    Accounting class actions rise again in 2015, analysis shows


    Accounting-related class-action settlements jumped to $2.6 billion in 2015, with 86 percent of the cases involving allegations of internal control weaknesses, according to the latest analysis by Cornerstone Research. The largest increase in settled cases in 2015 involved cases where investors raised allegations of internal control weaknesses but the company ...