Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 184

  • Blog

    Quid pro quo and FCPA enforcement


    The Supreme Court’s reversal of the public corruption conviction of former VA Governor McDonnell should not have any effect on FCPA enforcement going forward. Tom Fox has more.

  • Blog

    When is contract price a risk?


    Does a low bid contract present a compliance risk? Tom Fox examines what could go wrong now for Panama with the grand opening of the Panama Canal.

  • GenderEquality

    A roadmap toward executive-level gender diversity in the U.K.


    The United Kingdom’s struggle for executive-level gender diversity continues, especially in the financial services sector, where only 23 percent of board directors and only 14 percent of executive committee members are female. The Women in Finance Charter offers a roadmap for how to address this, with a stern warning: Organizations ...

  • Blog

    SEC charges four companies for oil and gas fraud


    The SEC has charged four companies and eight individuals in an $80 million oil and gas fraud orchestrated by a man who calls himself the “Frack Master” for his purported expertise in hydraulic fracturing. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    Telos Xacta IT GRC platform integrates Unified Compliance Framework


    Telos, a provider of continuous security solutions and services, announced the integration of the premier mapping capabilities of Unified Compliance Framework (UCF) into Xacta, its IT governance, risk and compliance (IT GRC) platform.

  • Blog

    Willbros chief accounting officer tenders resignation


    Willbros Group, a specialty energy infrastructure contractor serving the oil and gas and power industries, announced that Geoffrey Stanford has tendered his resignation as chief accounting officer, effective July 8.

  • BREXIT_0

    More regulatory questions than answers following Brexit vote


    Expect more questions than immediate answers following the “Brexit” vote, a decision that sees the United Kingdom leaving the European Union. While the country has its own regulatory regimes, it was also a party to many EU-wide regulations that may either stay in effect, be revised, or cast aside in ...

  • Blog

    FASB proposes another tweak to consolidation rules


    Even as new rules on consolidation take hold in 2016, the Financial Accounting Standards Board is proposing a tweak to the guidance, and it might propose more change in the future. Tammy Whitehouse has more.

  • Blog

    Federal Reserve releases bank stress test results


    Some good news from the Federal Reserve this week: U.S. banks seem to have enough cash on hand to weather a variety of unexpected economic calamities and downturns. “The nation's largest bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and improve their credit quality, strengthening their ability to lend ...

  • Blog

    SEC: Merrill Lynch to pay $415M for misusing customer cash


    Merrill Lynch has agreed to pay $415 million to settle charges that it misused customer cash to generate profits for the firm and failed to safeguard customer securities from the claims of its creditors. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    Valuation framework seeks to define ‘how much’ is enough


    The valuation profession is looking for more feedback on an idea to develop some new performance criteria, a proposal that should make those in the financial reporting supply chain sit up and take notice. Tammy Whitehouse has more.

  • Blog

    'Hold' everything: SEC may be stuck at three commissioners for a while


    Instead of trying to come up with new ways to repeatedly express public “disappointment” in the SEC, says enforcement blogger Bruce Carton, perhaps the U.S. Senate could simply do its own job and vote on the two nominees that President Obama nominated back in October 2015. Carton explores reasons behind ...

  • Blog

    FSOC releases sixth annual report, risk assessment


    The Financial Stability Oversight Council has approved and released its 2016 annual report. Delivered each year to Congress, it addresses a range of issues, including financial market and regulatory developments and potential emerging threats to financial stability. Joe Mont explores.

  • Blog

    Use of non-GAAP grows in proxy statements


    According to new information from Audit Analytics, recent statements and papers from regulators and advisory firms suggest a lack of compliance with non-GAAP accounting rules could be perceived as a key regulatory risk.

  • Blog

    FAA releases final drone rules


    The Department of Transportation has finalized the first operational rules for commercial use of small (less than 55 pounds), unmanned aircraft systems, more commonly known as drones. Rules take effect in August and offer safety regulations for unmanned aircraft that conduct non-hobbyist operations. Joe Mont reports.

  • Blog

    Compliance fail: Chinese bank employees publicly spanked for poor performance


    A disturbing video of a Chinese bank's effort to improve employee performance -- through public, violent spankings of employees -- was posted yesterday. The video, which will make even the most hardened U.S. compliance officer cringe, shows a line of employees from Changzhi Rural Commercial Bank being subjected to an ...

  • Blog

    Analogic resolves FCPA case for $15 million


    Analogic, a medical-imaging technology provider, and BK Medical ApS, Analogic’s wholly-owned Danish subsidiary, have reached separate settlements with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice to resolve a Foreign Corrupt Practices Act case totaling payments of nearly $15 million. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    Transparency International: Nigeria must strengthen anti-corruption bodies


    Global anti-corruption body Transparency International is pressing the Nigerian government to follow up on commitments made at the Anti-Corruption Summit in London on fighting corruption in the country and being more transparent about how it intends to use recovered stolen assets. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    Mitratech acquires CMO Software


    Mitratech, a provider of Enterprise Legal Management (ELM) solutions, announced today it has acquired CMO Software. The financial terms of the deal are not being disclosed.

  • HumanRights

    100 largest companies’ human rights to be ranked


    When it comes to taking a stand for various human rights—including health & safety, land rights, water & sanitation, and women’s rights—there are 100 companies that stand out for standing up and doing the right thing, according to the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark. Paul Hodgson has more.