Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 177

  • Blog

    Anti-corruption efforts slowly gain steam in Latin America


    A majority of executives in Latin America may think their country’s anti-corruption laws are ineffective, but a recent survey by  law firm Miller & Chevalier and 13 partner firms based in the region offers evidence of region-wide improvements in corporate compliance measures. Joe Mont has more study details.

  • Blog

    Basel Index finds slippage in AML efforts


    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an international consortium that develops banking standards, has issued its “Basel AML Index,” an annual ranking of country risk regarding money laundering and terrorism financing. The overall conclusion this year, says Joe Mont: A majority of countries fall short in the effective implementation and ...

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    Alert calls out audit risks under new revenue rule


    With implementation of the revenue standard looming, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants has issued some guidance to help companies keep audit risks in mind. More from Tammy Whitehouse.

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    Fed hits Goldman Sachs over use of supervisory information


    The Federal Reserve Board has ordered Goldman Sachs Group to pay a $36.3 million civil penalty for the unauthorized use and disclosure of confidential supervisory information in presentations to clients and prospective clients. Joe Mont reports.

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    FCPA compliance and the social contract


    Tom Fox looks at how Foreign Corrupt Practices Act compliance promotes multiple corporate stakeholders.

  • ProtivitiAuditFeesGraph

    Latest survey suggests uneven costs for Sarbanes-Oxley


    A recent survey from Protiviti finds that half of those accelerated and large accelerated filers participating in the survey claim their external audit fees related to Sarbanes-Oxley compliance increased in fiscal 2015, while 52 percent of non-accelerated filers said their fees decreased. Tammy Whitehouse has more.

  • Basel

    Basel Index finds slippage in AML efforts


    The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an international consortium that develops banking standards, has issued its “Basel AML Index,” an annual ranking of country risk regarding money laundering and terrorism financing. The overall conclusion this year, says Joe Mont: A majority of countries fall short in the effective implementation and ...

  • Blog

    Why the U.S. must lead the global fight against corruption


    As recent enforcement actions in Malaysia and Latin America have shown, the U.S. government must remain the world’s leader in the worldwide fight against the global scourge of corruption. Tom Fox has more.

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    Prosecutors announce latest guilty plea in unprecedented hacking and trading scheme


    Almost exactly one year ago, the SEC and Justice Department both filed cases against a large group of hackers and traders who carried out an “unprecedented” insider-trading and hacking scheme. Now prosecutors have announced the latest guilty plea in the case—the fifth so far. Bruce Carton reports.

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    New U.K. PM hints at governance reforms


    Theresa May has not minced words over her planned governance reforms as the United Kingdom’s new Prime Minister. She says the country needs deep economic reform, including a review of executive compensation and gender equality in the boardroom. Neil Hodge reports.

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    Monitoring corporate culture


    A recent report from the Financial Reporting Council offers guidance to board chairmen on how to promote corporate culture. The report advises boards to align values, exercise steardship, and demonstrate leadership, among other steps. Paul Hodgson provides an in-depth look.

  • Blog

    Retailer pushes back on Delaware unclaimed property audit


    Office Depot is taking on the state of Delaware over its unclaimed property audit tactics, asking the U.S. District Court in Delaware to declare that the state’s unclaimed property law violates federal law and the U.S. Constitution. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

  • Blog

    The hidden key to a good buyback plan: communication


    It’s fashionable to slam stock buyback plans, but does it really have to be that way? Stephen Davis & Jon Lukomnik look into why buybacks are so heavily criticized and what directors need to do to make a better case for them.

  • Blog

    6 more ‘C’mon, man!’ moments


    Regular followers of CW columnist Richard Steinberg will recognize his ‘C’mon, man, moments’—those peculiar business world goofs that leave us all perplexed. From overboarding to outlandish expense reporting, enjoy this latest installment.

  • Blog

    SEC loses chief of Market Intelligence office


    The Securities and Exchange Commission is saying goodbye to its chief of Market Intelligence; Christopher Bub has been appointed as VP and chief accounting officer of ski resort operator Peak Resorts; and Waddell & Reed has a new chief risk officer for investments. Who else is coming and going—see more ...

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    Iceland and Ireland both jailed their bankers. Why aren’t others learning by example?


    Ireland just sentenced three senior bankers to prison for their role in the 2008-2009 financial crisis. Given how common misbehavior was among senior bankers all over the world in the days before the crisis, why haven’t more been sentenced to jail? Bill Coffin offers an explanation.

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    What states’ suit against VW means for corporate officer liability


    New York, Maryland, and Massachusetts are claiming that top managers at VW were either specifically involved in the development and implementation of vehicle defeat devices, or knew of the issues that led to their creation. What does this mean for VW’s future—and, for that matter, what does it mean for ...

  • Blog

    Audit quality improves as a result of oversight and regulation


    Revised EU audit rules have formalized the Financial Reporting Council's role as the United Kingdom’s competent authority for audit. This and more developments have created a regulatory regime that is actually improving audit quality across the board. Paul Hodgson has more.

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    Tripwire announces Tripwire Configuration Compliance Manager Express


    Tripwire, a provider of endpoint detection and response, security and compliance solutions, announced a new version  of Tripwire Configuration Compliance Manager (CCM): Tripwire CCM Express is designed to simplify compliance audits for mid-sized organizations and stand alone divisions of larger organizations.

  • Blog

    Deloitte Center for Regulatory Strategies names independent senior advisor


    The former head of the statistics function and senior advisor to the director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Kenneth Lamar, was recently named an independent senior advisor to the Deloitte Center for Regulatory Strategies. He will advise financial institutions—largely banks—on regulatory reporting, data infrastructure, and ...