Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 121

  • Blog

    Sen. Warren quizzes bank CEOs on arbitration rule


    Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is targeting top bank executives, demanding that they go public with their views of the CFPB's recent rule banning forced arbitration.

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    KPMG, partner settle SEC audit failure allegations


    The SEC has extracted a $6.2 million settlement from KPMG over charges that the firm and an engagement partner failed to properly audit valuations in 2011.

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    SEC opens search for PCAOB members, including chair


    New leadership will soon take over the helm of the PCAOB after SEC Chairman Jay Clayton opens a public search for as many as four board positions.

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    FCPA, CEOs and risk assessments


    Ian Narev, chief executive officer of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, may soon join the ranks of those CEOs who depart once a corruption scandal goes public.

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    Stericycle faces FCPA probe


    Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal company, disclosed in a recent securities filing that it is being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Department of Justice for potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act concerning the company’s operations in Latin America.

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    Former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte to join Caterpillar board


    Caterpillar has announced the election of Kelly Ayotte, former U.S. senator representing New Hampshire, to its board of directors.

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    OFAC red cards Mexican footballer Marquez


    A prominent Mexican football star finds himself on OFAC's black list for allegedly fronting for a known drug kingpin. Just when you thought soccer couldn't get any more dramatic.

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    Looking to buy? Be sure and complete your due diligence


    Tom Fox explores a recent report on wealthy American businessmen attempting to purchase London soccer clubs for a weekend outing and their due diligence duties.

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    Workiva announces Wdesk data integration


    Workiva, a provider of solutions for enterprise productivity, recently announced data integration between its Wdesk platform and more than 100 cloud, SaaS, and on-premise applications, including Oracle Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Cloud.

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    Bay Dynamics partners with Symantec to prevent insider threats


    Bay Dynamics, a cyber-risk analytics provider, recently announced a technology partnership with Symantec that will enable enterprises and government agencies to more efficiently and effectively detect, quantify, and prioritize insider threats and outside risks.

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    Generali Global Assistance names chief compliance officer


    Generali Global Assistance, a travel insurance provider and part of the global Generali Group, announced the hiring of Tarik Ajami as general counsel and chief compliance officer, supporting all Generali business lines in North America.

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    Coinbase, Nawaz Sharif, and Uber (again)


    In case you missed it this week, Uber's former CEO is going to have a hard time paving his way back to his old job, former PM Nawaz Sharif is under fire for lying about his income, and Coinbase reaches unicorn status.

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    FASB proposes new rules on contributions, grants


    Companies may soon have some new instructions to follow in deciding how to account for various types of grants and contributions.

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    FASB plans new expedient for lease accounting


    The Financial Accounting Standards Board is preparing to propose a modification to the pending lease accounting standard to amend the transition guidance.

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    Democrats fret conflicts of interest within deregulation task forces


    Democrats are demanding transparency into the Trump administration's deregulatory task forces, citing conflicts of interest involving appointees who benefit from task force recommendations.

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    House Republicans double down on CFPB contempt charges


    House Financial Services Committee Republicans are moving contempt proceedings against CFPB Director Richard Cordray along with the release of a report outlining their case.

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    Senators want more debate over another net neutrality plan


    The Federal Communications Commission has received more than 16 million comments on a proposal to revive net neutrality. Deliberations on the rule, introduced in May, allowed for a 30-day public comment process.Nevertheless, Democrats, are calling on the FCC to extend the expiring comment period.

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    CFPB pitches new disclosure form for overdraft fees


    The CFPB is proposing model disclosure forms intended to improve upon what banks and credit unions already provide to consumers weighing overdraft coverage. The Bureau is currently testing four prototypes that have a simple, one-page design.

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    CFPB slaps JPMorgan Chase over checking account screening


    The CFPB has reached a consent order with JPMorgan Chase Bank for alleged failures related to information it provides for checking account screening reports. It will pay a $4.6 million penalty and implement necessary changes to its policies to prevent future legal violation.

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    PCAOB disciplines PwC, Crowe Horwath affiliate


    The PCAOB has disciplined PwC over a broker-dealer audit lapse and Crowe Horwath HK over an investigation involving a China-based company.