Appointment Blogs | Compliance Week – Page 107

  • Blog

    Charles Cain named chief of FCPA Unit


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has named Charles Cain chief of the Enforcement Division's national specialized Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Unit that focuses on violations of the anti-bribery provisions of the federal securities laws.

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    The Chertoff Group achieves SAFETY Act designation


    The Chertoff Group, a global security advisory firm, announced that its Security Risk Management Consulting Methodology has been approved as a designated SAFETY Act “qualified anti-terrorism technology.”

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    Accuity provides greater clarity on KYC risks


    Accuity has announced the launch of Bankers Almanac Sanctions View, enabling financial institutions to gain a comprehensive and holistic view of their financial counterparties to help them perform their KYC due diligence faster and easier.

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    Fusion Risk Management expands presence in European market


    Fusion Risk Management, a provider of business continuity risk management software and services, has expanded its European presence to keep pace with rapidly growing market demand and to support engagement among its burgeoning community of enterprise customers in Europe.

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    ZL Technologies enters EU with GDPR Ready Solutions


    ZL Technologies, a provider of unified governance, eDiscovery, compliance, and analytics for large enterprises, recently released a new suite of solutions that will enable organizations to meet requirements set forth by the EU General Data Protection Regulation.

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    Global exits, the SEC, and the Manafort Indictment


    This week the Trump administration announced plans to exit more global initiatives, the SEC sent a warning to pop stars about cryptocurrency, and a local blogger may have aided in the case against Manafort.

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    Does a compliance department need a behaviorist?


    Tom Fox offers some detailed steps to help companies upgrade and improve their corporate compliance programs.

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    Compliance lessons from the World Series


    How does baseball correlate to compliance? The Man From FCPA explores where the two meet in terms of data analytics, strategic risk, and discipline.

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    Lesson from Alere enforcement action


    The Man From FCPA explores the recent Alere Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement action and the lessons brought forth.

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    Creating a culture of data in compliance


    How can a chief compliance officer work to improve the company’s use of data to ensure the effective use of such an important asset? Tom Fox explores below.

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    Revising your code of conduct


    See inside for some tips based on the Justice Department’s Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs for help revising your Code of Conduct,

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    Audit committees advance disclosure in 2017 yet again


    Audit committees took it up another notch in the past year in their voluntarily disclosures to investors, according to the latest analysis.

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    Treasury releases third report on regulatory overhaul


    The Treasury Department has released its third report of regulatory recommendations, this time looking at the framework for the asset management and insurance industries.

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    White House outlines ambitious drone goals


    The Trump administration, boasting of “the next great chapter of American aviation,” has outlined its ambitious goals for bringing more drones into the business world.

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    CFPB’s Cordray pleads with President Trump to spare arbitration ban


    With President Trump likely to sign away the CFPB’s ban on mandatory arbitration clauses, Director Richard Cordray has lobbed the political equivalent of a Hail Mary pass: a direct, personal letter seeking reconsideration.

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    Retailers turn to Supreme Court to battle patent trolls


    The Retail Litigation Center and the National Retail Federation have jointly filed an amicus brief before the U.S. Supreme Court to highlight the importance of upholding the Patent Trial and Appeal Board’s review process.

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    State Department finds human rights abuses at Chol Hyun Construction


    Compliance and risk practitioners, beware: A new report from the U.S. Department of State detailing aspects of the human rights situation in North Korea has listed Chol Hyun Construction as a company that practices state-sponsored slavery.

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    Labor Dept. resurrects overtime rule, appeals judicial defeat


    The Department of Labor will appeal a court ruling that invalidated a controversial rule on overtime pay as it moves forward with a revised set of requirements.

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    Franchise owners pressure Congress on joint employer standard


    Franchise business owners from 19 states have joined forces to demand clarity on joint employee status, fearing that federal, state, and judicial interpretations may differ. In letters to Congress, they also demand the passage of legislation to provide related assurances.

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    Fallout of corruption in South Africa worries U.K. government


    The House of Lords, the U.K. Parliament’s upper chamber, debated this month what action the U.K. government is taking to prevent money laundering through British banks by families and businesspeople linked to the government of South Africa.