Before you accept that envelope stuffed with cash in exchange for inside information about public companies, just remember that sometimes it is a set-up. And the FBI is watching and taking photographs that, in short order, may become "Exhibit A" in the U.S. Attorney's Office criminal complaint against you for securities fraud. Seriously, it is unusual but it can happen! Just ask former KPMG partner Scott London, who is allegedly the envelope recipient/tipper in the photo below.

According to Nathan Hochman, the lawyer for Bryan Shaw (Shaw is allegedly the person handing the envelope to London in the photo), the photo shows Shaw "handing Mr. London an envelope that has $5000 worth of cash in it. Cash was in exchange for information Mr. London had provided Mr. Shaw concerning the Deckers Outdoor Corp (NASDAQ:DECK) transaction. It was going to be the earnings report dealing with the Deckers transaction in Feb 2013.”

Here is Exhibit A in U.S. v. London: