Global financial services provider Barclays has appointed Mike Roemer as group head of compliance. He also will join the executive committee, and report directly to the Group Chief Executive Antony Jenkins.

Roemer joined Barclays in January 2011 as head of internal audit. In his new role, Roemer will be directly accountable to Jenkins for the performance of the compliance function against a framework of specific standards agreed by the Barclays board.

According to a statement issued by the company, Roember will also be accountable for "ensuring that Barclays' purpose and values underpin the conduct of all staff at all times, and that all their actions are consistent with the spirit and letter of the expectations of regulators and the law in the geographies where Barclays operates."

With 27 years experience in internal audit, Roember joined Barclays from CIT Group, where he was chief auditor. Prior to CIT Group, he spent 23 years at JPMorgan Chase.