Axway, the Business Interaction Networks company, has partnered with Anakam to provide a security and identity management offering for secure access and transmission of electronic and personal health records. This offering enables health information exchanges, payers, and providers to easily comply with the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act’s provisions for protecting electronic patient data.

The HITECH Act, part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provides incentives for adoption through 2014 and requires physicians to adopt EHR by 2015 or face Medicare fee reductions. "Patient healthcare data is often siloed between various healthcare organizations, placing a burden on privacy and coordinated patient care,” said Taher Elgamal, chief security officer at Axway. By offering timely secure exchange of and access to patient data, healthcare entities will improve coordinated patient care between providers, prevent data breaches, improve quality of care, and drive down costs.

The Axway-Anakam offering will enable data provisioning, secure access management for records, encryption of information in motion, and end-to-end EHR visibility. Additionally, its open architecture will integrate with existing identity management and application infrastructures.

The offering consists of Axway’s Validation Authority, Secure Messenger, SecureTransport, and Sentinel products, integrated with Anakam’s TFA Two Factor Authentication and Anakam IDP Identity Proofing Offerings. Together, these technologies deliver fully integrated identity management and data security for previously disparate processes, such as encryption, digital signatures, and patient consent management.