Autonomy Corporation, a global infrastructure software provider, has unveiled its latest intelligent connectors for its iManage Universal Search solution, tailored for law firms.

The new intelligent connectors allow customers to seamlessly connect to the following additional legal applications:

• LexisNexis InterAction CRM System. This database holds information regarding client-firm relationships. As a result of the integration with iManage Universal Search solution, the information stored in the law firm's CRM system can now be linked to the data in other systems.

• Practical Law Company’s Legal Knowhow Services. With the new connector, a lawyer working on a brief leveraging specific case law will be able to see all relevant PLC commentaries in a single intuitive search window, thus helping to improve effectiveness and accuracy.

• Carpe Diem Time and Expense Tracking System. This connector allows lawyers to not only mine their time entries, but also enables the system to ‘learn’ and find experts based on their billing activities.

The new intelligent connectors also allow customers to seamlessly search several legal-specific research sites owned by governmental and private agencies, containing a wealth of research information related to regulations and trends in specific domains. The connectivity enables firms to apply the IDOL technology in IUS to index and process information on these sites, enabling users to not only search these sites but also perform advanced functions, such as automatically alerting a user as relevant information on these sites changes.