Articles | Compliance Week – Page 271

  • CoinsLeaning

    U.K. CEO pay: rebuilding trust between owners and managers


    Two reports issued last week strongly criticized U.K. executive pay. But, perhaps more importantly, both also welcomed many of the new Tory Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposals on pay and corporate governance. Paul Hodgson has more.

  • EmployeePay

    New pay reporting rules could drown employers in costly paperwork


    As the federal government tries to squash pay discrimination, the new reporting requirements it might impose would smother employers in costly paperwork. David Bogoslaw explains how bad it might be.

  • Article

    Rising cost of SOX compliance is pushing companies to rethink compliance strategies


    A recent Protiviti survey notes that the bigger the company, the bigger the SOX compliance costs. Smaller companies audited by regional firms have lighter requirements, writes Tammy Whitehouse, but at the end of the day, SOX compliance is expensive for everybody.

  • Article

    Building the relationship between compliance and general counsel


    As the roles and responsibilities of compliance and legal overlap, and as the role of the chief compliance officer continues to gain profile, how the CCO and general counsel work together is more important than ever, writes Karen Kroll.

  • Katzcrop

    Joel Katz: Walking the talk


    Joel Katz’s legal acumen and communication skills have enabled him to build a robust compliance program that blends the hard facts of the law with the soft science of human nature.

  • Article

    CFPB winds down summer with flurry of rulemaking


    Perhaps clearing its plate before November’s elections, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has cranked out a variety of rules, proposed rules, and amendments to rules in recent days. Joe Mont looks at what’s next on the agenda.

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    SEC crackdown on whistleblower ‘pretaliation’ adds a new twist


    A recent enforcement action and settlement by the Securities and Exchange Commission makes it clear that companies shouldn’t try to subvert their successful bounty programs for whistleblowers. Joe Mont reports.

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    FRC: U.K. corporate culture needs serious work


    The United Kingdom’s Financial Reporting Council has released a report of observations on overall U.K. corporate culture and highlighted a number of ways in which boards and management can make some much-needed adjustments. Neil Hodge has more.

  • CFPBBanner

    On its fifth anniversary, CFPB is as controversial as ever


    The Consumer Financial Protection Agency may be the most polarizing government agency ever created. It’s also one of the most resilient, given its perseverance in the face of political and legal attacks. Its ultimate fate, despite its successes, may depend on two separate challenges to its constitutionality winding their way ...

  • Article

    The pros and cons of using stock buybacks


    It’s become commonplace for public companies to use stock buybacks to distribute excess cash to shareholders. Tammy Whitehouse hears from accounting experts on accelerated stock repurchases—what pitfalls and unintended consequences companies should beware when structuring shareholder contracts.

  • Article

    SEC modifies administrative proceedings, but did it go far enough?


    The SEC views administrative proceedings as a streamlined, time-sensitive process that can adjudicate certain enforcement actions that would otherwise clog federal courts. Critics see an unfair process that stacks the deck in favor of the Commission. The big issue, writes Joe Mont, is whether new procedural changes can appease detractors.

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    Amid corruption scandals, compliance booms in Brazil


    It might seem that corruption scandals are one of Brazil’s leading exports this year, but amid renewed government anti-bribery enforcement efforts, the country’s compliance sector is growing by leaps and bounds. Rodrigo Amaral has more.

  • Lamberthcrop

    Mike Lamberth: Shepherding the future of compliance


    Mike Lamberth, managing vice president of compliance for Capital One Financial, was on the job as compliance programs first started to become ubiquitous. His vision for the profession: a continuing evolution that combines talents, keeps pace with regulatory change, realizes the positive disruption technology will bring, and does all this ...

  • Article

    Strength through diversity: Q&A with Maria Castañón Moats


    The former chief diversity officer for PwC is now the leader of the firm’s U.S. assurance practice. With her strong background and bright future, what does Maria Castañón Moats have in store? Tammy Whitehouse has the answers.

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    Canadian securities regulators disagree on whistleblower incentives


    Following the Securities and Exchange Commission’s lead, Canadian securities regulators have launched two very different whistleblower programs—one provides a bounty, the other does not—which creates new legal risks for companies. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

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    Australia brings first criminal cartel prosecution


    As Australia gets serious about enforcing its antitrust regulations, multinationals operating in the country are learning the hard way that the line between being considered a monopoly and a criminal cartel is surprisingly thin. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

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    Rise of the machines: how artificial intelligence could revolutionize compliance


    It may sound futuristic, but “thinking machines” are poised to revolutionize compliance. Artificial intelligence, proponents say, can take care of grunt work, freeing audit and compliance professionals to focus on matters that befit their skills. Advanced automation, however, says Joe Mont, isn’t without concerns and pitfalls.

  • Niebankcrop

    Kami Niebank: Rising to the challenge


    Kami Niebank is CalPERS’ interim chief compliance officer and guides compliance efforts at the largest public pension fund in the United States. She is also overseeing an ambitious five-year compliance plan that will alternately refine and overhaul the entire compliance regime.

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    Second Circuit ruling gives legal backing to Yates Memo


    At last, compliance officers have a legal decision to cheer about: A recent court case affirmed the ability of companies to fire executives who refuse to cooperate with internal investigations. This gives compliance departments a serious boost in authority, reports Jaclyn Jaeger.

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    Workforce compliance in the gig economy


    Today’s organizations are using contingent workers on a greater scale than ever before. Known as a “gig economy,” this task-based approach to work has added benefits, such as being a cost saver, bringing unique skills to the workforce, and more, but it also means additional risk. This edition of the ...