Articles | Compliance Week – Page 257

  • Article

    A double whammy for the cosy club


    Directors in the United States and United Kingdom are facing increasingly divergent realities when it comes to regulatory accountability. And that gap is only growing.

  • Gentilecrop

    Mary Gentile: The practical ethicist


    Mary Gentile is one of the ethics field’s most renowned educators for her results-based ethics training that doesn’t ask: “What is the right thing to do,” but rather: “How do we get the right thing done?”

  • capitalmanagement

    With a new chairman, SEC readies its focus on IPOs, capital formation


    Expect a focus on capital formation and improving the stagnant marketplace for public offerings under new SEC Chairman Jay Clayton.

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    Obama’s ‘fiduciary duty’ rule may be living on borrowed time


    Free-market advocates are gaining traction to overturn the Obama administration’s rule that places additional responsibilities upon financial services representatives.

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    Auditors: How can they be appointed independently?


    A series of severe fines and reprimands involving auditor misconduct raises a thorny question: Could, or should, organizations have independently appointed auditors?

  • databreachtop

    Data breach trends industry-by-industry


    The 2017 Verizon Data Breach report is out, and it has some timely pointers for how healthcare, financial services, manufacturing, and retail organizations can improve their cyber-security.

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    Control Risks compliance survey


    Companies are reluctant to invest in compliance and may be at risk of underestimating their exposure to tough laws that hold them to account for their operations and their supply chains, according to a new report.

  • Driscollcrop

    Peter Driscoll: The risk detective


    Under Peter Driscoll’s lead, the SEC Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations uses a risk-based approach to fulfill its mission to promote compliance with U.S. securities laws.

  • Daviscrop

    Mara Davis: The media mind


    As the chief of compliance for one of the world’s biggest media companies, Mara Davis has taken a communications-based approach to building a strong code of business conduct and cultivating a stronger speak-up culture.

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    Are shell companies a compliance nightmare?


    Deeply suspicious oil, gas, and mining deals that involve complex use of shell companies raise concerns over the use of shell companies themselves. They might be legal, but are they good compliance practice?

  • McKessycrop

    Sean X. McKessy: King of the whistleblowers


    Sean McKessy spent several years at the SEC building its whistleblower protection program, putting in place an incentive program for paying whistleblowers, and creating a new way for the SEC to break cases.

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    Survey: Banks not preparing enough for CECL standard


    According to a recent survey by RapidRatings and Compliance week, banks are nowhere near ready for FASB’s CECL requirements scheduled to go into effect in 2020.

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    How compliance, data sharing empower FinCEN’s war on terror and crime


    Addressing Congress, FinCEN Acting Director Jamal El-Hindi discussed how his agency prevents bad actors from infiltrating the financial system.

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    GDPR’s hidden e-mail risks


    With the EU’s tough new data protection standard fast approaching, a company’s e-mail system poses plenty of easily overlooked compliance risks.

  • ExecutiveWithTorch

    Plans pile up to revise Dodd-Frank, but can they succeed?


    Critics of the Dodd-Frank Act, like torch-bearing villagers in a horror movie, want to kill the legislation by any means necessary, while others seek more measured reforms.

  • Bistrongcrop2

    Richard Bistrong: The great communicator


    Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery, is one of the compliance world’s most outspoken voices on how companies can build better and more ethical businesses.

  • Fornellicrop

    Cindy Fornelli: The auditor’s CCO


    Cindy Fornelli leads the Center for Audit Quality, acting as chief compliance officer and stressing the importance of truly proactive and strategic compliance efforts for audit, rather than a check-the-box mentality.

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    Wells Fargo scores a pyrrhic victory amid shareholder revolt


    Despite controversy before and during its annual meeting, shareholders reelected all of Wells Fargo’s directors. But trouble still lies ahead for the post-scandal banking giant.

  • Beeghlycrop

    Brian Beeghly: The change agent


    Brian Beeghly uses his experience in building better ethics and compliance programs to create technology solutions that could be at the forefront of changing the discipline of compliance itself.

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    Moving toward GDPR readiness


    Companies have just about a year to comply with sweeping new EU data privacy law. For those organizations without strong data privacy programs in place, now is the time to start.