Archer Technologies, a provider of enterprise governance, risk, and compliance solutions, has announced enhanced solutions for financial institutions and creditors who are struggling to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s Red Flag Rules for fighting identify theft.

The Red Flag Rules require financial institutions and creditors to develop a program for detecting the warning signs of identity theft, which include unusual account activity, suspicious documents, and alerts from consumer reporting agencies, among others.

To enable rapid response to the Red Flag Rules, Archer has enhanced its out-of-the-box solutions, allowing clients to:

Utilize the latest version of the Archer Control Library, which has been mapped to the Red Flag regulation, enabling gap analysis against current controls and quick documentation of an identity theft prevention program;

Educate employees and test their comprehension of Red Flag requirements using online training campaigns;

Evaluate compliance with Red Flag requirements through online assessments that can be mapped directly back to the regulation for quick and powerful reporting; and

Categorize and manage Red Flag incidents from identification through resolution.

Content and application enhancements that facilitate Red Flag compliance are available to companies that license Archer’s out-of-the-box policy, risk, and incident management solutions at no additional cost.