All Antitrust Enforcement articles

  • Jail

    Former Bumble Bee CEO sentenced 40 months for price-fixing


    The former CEO and president of Bumble Bee Foods was sentenced to serve 40 months in prison and pay a $100,000 criminal fine for playing a leading role in a three-year antitrust conspiracy to fix prices of canned tuna.

  • Biotech

    FTC, FDA to enhance antitrust oversight in biologics market


    The Federal Trade Commission and Food and Drug Administration have signaled they will be increasing their oversight of any potential antitrust behavior in the biologics market.

  • Article

    Justice Department creates Procurement Collusion Strike Force


    The Department of Justice has announced the formation of the new Procurement Collusion Strike Force, which will focus on deterring, detecting, investigating, and prosecuting antitrust crimes.

  • Blog

    Senate once again passes bill to protect whistleblowers in antitrust cases


    The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed the Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act to extend whistleblower protection for employees who provide information to the Department of Justice related to criminal antitrust violations. The bipartisan measure has passed the Senate the past two Congresses, but has yet to be taken up by the ...

  • Article

    Is the European Union out to get Google?


    While it might seem as if the European Union has it in for Google, a search of its open cases will reveal that it has its sights set on more than just the search engine firm.

  • Article

    Best practices for cartel enforcement compliance


    As Makan Delrahim seeks confirmation as the Justice Department’s new antitrust chief, cartel enforcement will be a point of interest for compliance professionals everywhere.

  • Blog

    DoJ, FTC: Preventing antitrust risk in hiring and pay decisions


    HR professionals and others involved in hiring and pay decisions will want to look at new joint guidance issued by the Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

  • Article

    FTC Speaks on Antitrust; Leaves Many Confused


    Image: The Federal Trade Commission has finally spoken (for the first time in 100 years) about how it defines the scope of its enforcement authority for anti-competitive business practices. The bad news: Its guidance is short reading and slim on specifics. The lack of detail “may have opened the floodgates ...

  • Blog

    Google’s Antitrust Investigation Continues


    Image: The European Union Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager confirmed that the watchdog is continuing its investigation into Google for allegedly engaging in anti-competitive behavior. In an interview with BBC, Vestager said that more probes are ongoing into the tech giant’s role in mapping, travel, flight, and third-party data. Details inside.

  • Blog

    Google Realigns Amid Regulatory Heat


    Google’s executive chairman Eric Schmidt met with the EU’s new antitrust chief on Monday. The search engine giant is being scrutinized by regulators for engaging in anticompetitive practices, potential antitrust violations, and oversight of privacy issues. In response to the mounting regulatory pressure, the company has realigned its European operations. ...

  • Blog

    Qualcomm May Face $1 Billion Fine in China Antitrust Probe


    Chinese regulators said this week that they’re in settlement talks with chipmaker giant Qualcomm, likely to face a fine of more than $1 billion to resolve an antitrust investigation that began more than a year ago. Xu Kunlin, head of China’s anti-monopoly regulator, said Qualcomm will be fined several times ...

  • Blog

    EU Approves New Damages Directive for Antitrust Violations


    Image: Title: VestagerNov. 12—A new law approved by European Union lawmakers this week is designed to make it easier for companies suffering damages due to antitrust violations to seek compensation anywhere within the bloc. The damages directive includes new rules regarding disclosure of evidence and allows a decision from a ...