All Anti-Corruption articles – Page 50

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    The role of risk management in compliance


    As compliance evolves and corporate compliance programs become more sophisticated, compliance is seen not as simply a legal prophylactic, but as a business process, writes The Man From FCPA.

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    The Sanctions Screening Whitepaper

    2018-01-05T11:15:00Z Provided by

    The IdentityMind white paper provides important background and tips to improve the sanction screening process. Learn how false positives can be minimized using matching algorithms, ways to apply risk integrated rules to configurable lists, and how their technology can help to eliminate wasted effort and improve results.

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    Trusted Digital Identities

    2018-01-05T11:15:00Z Provided by

    Read this white paper to learn more about why it is crucial to develop digital identities which look at more than static data, and how introducing digital attributes such as online behavior and transactional history creates a much more robust system where trusted identities and suspicious identities evolve differently, making ...

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    Forrester's Vendor Landscape: Anti-Money Laundering Solutions 2017

    2018-01-05T11:15:00Z Provided by

    In this comprehensive report, Forrester explains that Anti-Money Laundering (AML) programs are key for companies that facilitate financial transactions. When selecting the right AML technologies, you should consider the broader financial crimes prevention and risk management architecture within which AML sits.

  • Blog

    Staying home to avoid justice?


    “Honey, I think we should stay at home for Christmas this year.” This is the line that may well have been said by Marco Polo Del Nero, the president of the Brazilian Soccer Federation to his wife, after having been indicted on money laundering charges, but not subject to extradition ...

  • Blog

    Email Sweeps as continuous monitoring


    Monitor, audit, and respond quickly to allegations of misconduct—these are the three components enforcement officials look for when determining whether companies maintain adequate oversight of their compliance programs.

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    The Yates Memo is alive and well


    Even if the Justice Department revises and clarifies the Yates Memo, the substance of what Sally Yates was communicating is alive and kicking.

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    Paradise Papers: The sequel to the Panama Papers


    Dubbed the Paradise Papers, more than 381 journalists in 67 countries embarked on an effort of massive proportions to parse through 13.4 million leaked documents—many that mention some of the world's largest companies—revealing that the shady world of shell companies, offshore tax shelters, and secret trusts is far more prevalent ...

  • Blog

    Lesson from Alere enforcement action


    The Man From FCPA explores the recent Alere Foreign Corrupt Practices Act enforcement action and the lessons brought forth.

  • Blog

    Creating a culture of data in compliance


    How can a chief compliance officer work to improve the company’s use of data to ensure the effective use of such an important asset? Tom Fox explores below.

  • Blog

    Baseball informs your compliance program


    With the Houston Astros set to play in the 2017 World Series, the Man From FCPA is tuning in and—much to his surprise—learning that baseball has multiple lessons for the compliance professional.

  • Blog

    Harvey Weinstein—the FCPA angle


    More trouble for Harvey Weinstein? The scandal-plagued Hollywood exec’s purchase of a $75K dress that was given to an un-named Qatari individual who was prepared to invest some $20,000,000 in an animation movie fund could be an FCPA violation.

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    A World View of Anti-Corruption Efforts

    2017-10-17T11:00:00Z Provided by

    Anti-corruption efforts around the world are quickly gaining steam, and it’s up to multinational companies all around the world to keep pace. In this eBook, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with NAVEX Global, we explore the latest anti-corruption regulatory developments and enforcement priorities that companies should be thinking about ...

  • Blog

    Archrock names general counsel amid FCPA probe


    Archrock Partners has appointed Stephanie Hildebrandt as senior vice president and general counsel, effective Aug. 7. Hildebrandt's appointment comes amid an ongoing Foreign Corrupt Practices Act investigation in connection with certain previously disclosed errors and possible irregularities at one of its former international operations.