All Anti-Corruption articles – Page 48

  • Blog

    The Red Flag Group acquires ETHIC Intelligence


    The Red Flag Group reinforced its commitment to compliance standards with the acquisition of anti-corruption certification agency ETHIC Intelligence.

  • Chapman

    Dan Chapman talks FCPA investigations


    Former CCO Dan Chapman chats with Tom Fox about how to approach an FCPA investigation and come out stronger after remediation.

  • Columnist_Fox

    Three steps for managing the FCPA risk of distributor compensation


    With the Microsoft FCPA investigation as context, there are three things your company can do to manage the risks associated with third-party distributors.

  • Blog

    Joint venture risks under the FCPA


    Joint ventures present a unique set of FCPA risks for the compliance practitioner, which is why companies need to incorporate risk management techniques in all phases of JV relations, pre-formation, the JV agreement, and in operations after the JV has begun operation.

  • Blog

    What are your compliance resources?


    Evolved Justice Department policies encourage corporations to see it is directly in their best interest to provide the resources, authority, and gravitas to the compliance position within their organizations.

  • Blog

    If geopolitical risks change, scrub your operations


    The recent political upheavals in South Africa and Malaysia should serve as a reminder for companies to review their operations in politically evolving countries in which they might have conducted government business.

  • Blog

    What is a business relationship?


    The Man From FCPA ponders the FCPA considerations of electric-car company Tesla putting the squeeze on its suppliers by asking them to refund monies Tesla had paid to them, as far back as 2016.

  • Blog

    A fine mess in Brazil (and Houston)


    A legal battle between Vantage Drilling and Petrobras, Brazil’s state-owned oil company, has put a new twist on contract challenges and FCPA violations

  • Blog

    The importance of auditing third parties


    Auditing third parties is critical to any compliance program and an important tool in operationalizing your compliance program.

  • Blog

    The ‘how’ question in due diligence


    A clear lesson to be learned from the Theranos scandal is when conducting merger due diligence, make sure to determine how a new partner conducts itself and its business.

  • Blog

    Law firm files alleged evidence of bribery against former client


    U.K.-based mining giant Eurasian Natural Resources Corp. is suing its former counsel and U.K. regulator the Serious Fraud Office for their complacency in leaking information about an investigation into the company for alleged bribery and corruption.

  • Blog

    Asking questions about your third-party process


    When regulators come knocking, it’s important to have the right protocols in place. Knowing what questions to ask can be a big help to companies when implementing a third-party due diligence process.

  • Blog

    Condos, corruption, and compliance


    While President Trump promised condos in North Korea as a part of his negotiations with North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jung Un, it doesn’t mean companies will have an easy time doing business in the country, which ranked as “highly corrupt,” on the 2017 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index.

  • Globalcorruption

    A global look at corruption challenges


    Prudent compliance and risk leaders should use the 2018 Corruption Challenges Index to assess a specific country’s corruption challenges risk. But it’s important to keep in mind that it is just one piece of analysis.

  • Werner

    Creating culture from the ashes of scandal


    At Compliance Week 2018 on Tuesday, Hiltrud Werner, head of integrity and legal affairs at Volkswagen Group, spoke of how VW is recovering from a recent scandal and trying to emerge a stronger, better company from lessons learned.

  • Rosenstein2018

    Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein keynote: The value of compliance


    Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein kicked off Compliance Week 2018 in Washington D.C. on Monday, speaking candidly about compliance program effectiveness, the FCPA Corporate Enforcement Policy, the newly announced Justice Department coordination policy, and much more.

  • Columnist_Fox

    D&B shows the right way to handle an FCPA probe


    The D&B enforcement action should be studied by every compliance practitioner for tips on preventing an FCPA issue and what to do if you find one.

  • Article

    Experts spotlight trends in FCPA self-disclosures and enforcement


    Current and former enforcement officials took part in a candid debate last week about the real-world implications of recent pronouncements made by the Department of Justice and how directors and officers are responding.

  • Blog

    Malaysia gets new PM; further probes of prior regime coming


    The election of a new Prime Minster in Malaysia has heralded a potential investigation into the allegations of massive corruption carried out by the prior administration surrounding the country’s sovereign wealth fund, 1MDB.

  • Blog

    Checklist for CCO direct reports


    Inside are some factors to consider when assessing chief compliance officer direct reports and what the Justice Department expects from the direct reporting process.