All Anti-Bribery articles – Page 46

  • Blog

    Justice Department Ends Bristol-Myers Squibb FCPA Probe


    The Department of Justice has ended its investigation into allegations that pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Earlier this month the company reached a $14 million settlement with the SEC for FCPA violations relating to certain sales and marketing practices in China. More inside.

  • Blog

    Exiger Adds Two New Anti-Corruption Experts


    Exiger, a global regulatory and financial crime, risk and compliance firm this week announced the appointments of two new associate managing directors, Eunice Lee and Anna Friedberg, to be based in the firm's New York office. Both women bring extensive anti-corruption expertise to the firm. More inside.

  • Blog

    Compliance and the Zeitgeist in Germany


    I have always been fascinated with the zeitgeist. In the world of anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance, one rarely has the chance to observe the zeitgeist in action. However I think we are now seeing it play out in Germany in a public way. It all involves the Made in Germany ...

  • Blog

    New Partners Join EY's Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services Practice


    Ernst & Young this week announced that Jennifer Baskin and Stephen Spiegelhalter have joined its Fraud Investigation & Dispute Services practice as partners in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Baskin and Spiegelhalter both previously worked in the federal government offices that have sole jurisdiction over prosecutions of violations of the ...

  • Blog

    Chinese Open New Front in Anti-Corruption Investigations


    The Chinese fight against bribery and corruption took an interesting twist earlier this month, when it was announced that the former head of the national oil company, Sinopec, was being investigated for bribery and corruption in the securing of contracts in Angola. If this investigation continues it could open a ...

  • Blog

    FIFA Misconduct Strikes Again, at German Prestige


    Image: The German magazine Der Spiegel is reporting that the committee set up by the German Soccer Federation to bid for the 2006 World Cup hosting rights ran a slush fund of more than 10 million Swiss francs ($11 million) to help secure those hosting rights. Given all that has ...

  • Blog

    Sticky Situation: Ill-Gotten Gains From FCPA Violations


    Image: One of the continuing myths around FCPA enforcement is so-called “springing liability,” where a company that acquires a business also acquires a FCPA violation along with the purchase. That is not an accurate understanding of the issue, our anti-corruption blogger Tom Fox writes. But it does touch on issues ...

  • Blog

    Sevan Marine Self-Reports Bribery Probe


    Sevan Marine, a technology and engineering company, announced last week that it has handed over to Norwegian authorities the results of an internal investigation report regarding potential bribes paid to Petrobras to obtain business. Additionally, it has initiated contact with the relevant prosecutors’ offices in the United States, the ...

  • Blog

    Cost of Corruption: Now the Short-Sellers Are Here


    The costs of corruption come in many forms, not the least being painfully high penalties from regulators and lawsuits from unhappy shareholders. Now a new front has opened: Muddy Waters, a short-seller firm pressuring Swedish telecom company TeliaSonera, is accusing it of bribery in central Asia—and benefitting as the stock ...

  • Article

    What the FBI Brings to an FCPA Investigation


    Image: Many of the agencies that investigate Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations are the ones you don’t hear about. They stand apart from the Justice Department, discreetly waiting to leap on the next FCPA violator that crosses their path. The best example is the FBI. “The FBI historically has been ...

  • Blog

    How Will Schrems Ruling Affect FCPA Compliance in Europe?


    Image: The Schrems decision last week invalidated the safe harbor provision that let U.S. companies ferry personal data back and forth from Europe. Already compliance officers are beginning to sweat the implications of that ruling for anti-corruption programs. First likely headache: hotline data. Tom Fox, our Man From FCPA, has ...

  • Blog

    Is FIFA Getting Serious About Ethics Reform?


    FIFA seems to be getting serious about the perception that its organization is rife with corruption. Last week it suspended three of its top officials, including President Sepp Blatter. Those suspensions come one week after major sponsors demanded FIFA take action. Our Man From FCPA, Tom Fox, has more inside.

  • Blog

    Update on the Petrobras Corruption Scandal


    This week one commentator reported that the Netherlands-based SBM Offshore would pay $255 million in fines and penalties for its role in the Petrobras scandal. If SBM Offshore does settle with Brazilian authorities for this amount, it will be a first step in resolving the morass businesses sucked into that ...

  • Blog

    Bristol-Myers Squibb Settles FCPA Case for $14 Million


    Pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb has reached a $14 million settlement with the SEC for violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. According to the Commission, the company’s joint venture in China made cash payments and provided other benefits to healthcare providers at state-owned and state-controlled hospitals in exchange for prescription ...

  • Blog

    Sponsors Turn Up the Heat on FIFA Corruption


    Image: Four of FIFA’s largest sponsors have called on the group’s president, Sepp Blatter, to resign immediately given his role in possible misconduct at the soccer organization. (Blatter is now under criminal investigation by Swiss prosecutors.) That business-driven pressure, Compliance Week blogger Tom Fox (left) says, might be the first ...

  • Blog

    Kinross Gold: Justice Department and SEC Probing West Africa Payments


    Kinross Gold, a Canada-based gold mining company, said last week that it is under investigation by the Department of Justice and Securities and Exchange Commission concerning allegations of improper payments made to government officials and certain internal control deficiencies at its West Africa mining operations. More inside.

  • Blog

    SNC-Lavalin Settles Bribery Case for $1.5 Million; Revamps E&C Program


    Engineering business SNC-Lavalin has reached a $1.5 million settlement with the African Development Bank Group to resolve practices by SNC-Lavalin International, a subsidiary of the company, in connection with certain bank-financed contracts in Mozambique and Uganda. The company said it also has signficantly enhanced its ethics and compliance program. More ...

  • Blog

    New U.S.-China Corruption Cooperation Initiative


    Image: An interesting development reported this week: The United States and China have agreed to cooperate on the seizure of assets obtained through corruption and on the deportations of Chinese nationals from the United States who engaged in bribery and corruption in China and later fled to America for sanctuary. ...

  • Blog

    Moves Against FIFA, VW: Sweating in the C-Suite?


    Image: Talk in corporate compliance circles lately has been dominated by the United States and publication of the Yates Memo, where the Justice Department will be pushing for more prosecution of individuals. The real bite for compliance, however, might be happening in Europe, where regulators are moving against the chiefs ...

  • Blog

    Hitachi Settles FCPA Charges With SEC for $19 Million


    Tokyo-based Hitachi reached a $19 million settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve charges that it violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act by inaccurately recording improper payments to South Africa’s ruling political party in connection with contracts to build two multi-billion dollar power plants. More inside.