All Anti-Bribery articles – Page 31

  • Article

    Incentivising ethics: Lessons from Wells Fargo


    A recent report from Transparency International outlines how incorporating five key principles into an incentives program can help organizations keep from becoming the next Wells Fargo.

  • Blog

    Graña y Montero makes governance changes amid bribery probe


    Peruvian engineering and construction company Graña y Montero has made several governance changes of late, including the appointment of a new chief risk and compliance officer, as the company faces a bribery investigation connected to Odebrecht.

  • Article

    A deep dive into the World Bank’s investigation process


    Debarments from the World Bank are just one way in which companies can run afoul of serious compliance problems if they are not careful.

  • Blog

    When corruption is endemic and structural


    The recent scandals involving JBS, Odebrecht, and Petrobras seem to imply that once Brazilian politicians go on the take, they stay on the take. Time for Brazil to update its anti-corruption regulations.

  • Blog

    JBS reaches $3.2B leniency deal; makes governance changes


    J&F Investimentos, the holding company of meat-packing company JBS, has agreed to pay a record 10.3 billion reais (US$3.2bn; £2.4bn) fine for its role in a widespread corruption scandal, deepening Brazil's anti-corruption enforcement crackdown.

  • Article

    Understanding the inner workings of FCPA enforcement


    At Compliance Week 2017, former SEC FCPA Chief Kara Brockmeyer spoke candidly about the future of FCPA enforcement, cooperation credit, third-party risk mitigation, and more.

  • Blog

    The case for robust FCPA enforcement


    Two recent corruption scandals emanating from Brazil highlight the direct impact corruption can have on U.S. citizens and serve as telltale examples of why a robust FCPA enforcement regime is in the interest of the United States.

  • Article

    SocGen and Libya bribery settlement


    A look at the recent billion-dollar, out-of-court settlement between French banking group Socie´te´ Ge´ne´rale and Libya’s sovereign wealth fund.

  • Blog

    Bill Baer to rejoin Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer


    Bill Baer, former Acting Associate Attorney General and Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust at the Department of Justice, will rejoin the firm Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer as partner on June 1, 2017, resident in the Washington office.

  • Blog

    Microsoft: Why we are adopting ISO 37001


    In a recent blog post, Microsoft’s deputy general counsel explains why it decided to become the first U.S. and multinational company to seek ISO 37001 certification, and why other companies should do the same.

  • Blog

    Survey: Companies losing business to corruption risk


    More companies are choosing to cease business with certain partners, while others say they’ve lost business over the last year, because of corruption risk, finds a recent global anti-corruption survey.

  • Blog

    The intersection of corruption and the environment


    Petrobras is attempting to sell a petrochemical plant that is “notorious for its multiple accidents, fires, and emissions releases,” according to reports. At issue? No environmentally responsible company would be interested in the doomed facility.

  • Blog

    FIFA fires its own investigators


    When it comes to brassiness, one really cannot do much better than FIFA. After having survived one of the world's greatest scandals, the international governing body of football is replacing the leadership of its ethics committee, in effect dismissing the judge and the prosecutor whose investigations resulted in the suspensions ...

  • Blog

    A good day for the rule of law in Romania


    Romania sees additional protests, as government tries to sneak more laws into place that would weaken the fight against corruption.

  • Blog

    Will KPMG pay for Rolls-Royce’s corruption?


    More negative publicity for KPMG, as the Wells Fargo auditor now faces additional scrutiny in light of the Rolls-Royce scandal—will the Big Four firm be made accountable?

  • Resource

    Anti-Bribery & Corruption Benchmarking Report 2017

    2017-05-04T09:00:00Z Provided by

    Learn more about the perceived strengths and weaknesses of anti-bribery and corruption programs today, the focus of compliance experts going forward, and whether your business is keeping pace with common risk mitigation practices.

  • Blog

    Uganda—a demand side response to corruption


    A look at corruption in Uganda and the government’s fear that the high level of corruption is making life worse for citizens and driving out foreign investment.

  • Bistrongcrop2

    Richard Bistrong: The great communicator


    Richard Bistrong, CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery, is one of the compliance world’s most outspoken voices on how companies can build better and more ethical businesses.

  • Blog

    Former Magyar Telekom executives settle FCPA case


    Two former executives at Hungarian-based telecommunications company Magyar Telekom agreed to pay financial penalties and accept officer-and-director bars to settle a previously filed SEC case alleging violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.