All Anti-Bribery articles – Page 30

  • Blog

    Halliburton settles FCPA case for $29.2M


    Oil field services giant Halliburton today reached a $29.2 million settlement with the SEC over charges that it violated the books and records and internal accounting controls provisions of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act concerning payments tied to Angola.

  • Blog

    Newmont Mining FCPA case ends in declination


    Newmont Mining said in a quarterly filing this week that it will not be facing an enforcement action from the Department of Justice regarding a previously disclosed investigation into potential violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  • Article

    Mexico unveils new anti-corruption law


    A new Mexican law cracks down on dishonest business, especially with public servants. But companies with strong compliance programs should have little to fear, experts say.

  • Article

    New index shows extractives governance lacking in some countries


    The results from the Natural Resource Governance Institute’s Resource Governance Index show a lack of governance for natural resources.

  • Blog

    DoJ seeks to recover $144M in Nigerian oil industry corruption case


    The Department of Justice has filed a civil complaint seeking the forfeiture and recovery of approximately $144 million in assets obtained from corruption in the Nigerian oil industry.

  • Blog

    First step to end the Car Wash investigation?


    The will to continue the fight against institutional corruption in Brazil may be waning. From the perspective of The Man From FCPA, it appears that it is the beginning of the end for the seismic change that has come over the country starting with Operation Car Wash.

  • Blog

    SFO investigating Amec Foster Wheeler


    The U.K. Serious Fraud Office confirmed that it has opened an investigation into the activities of London-based Amec Foster Wheeler for allegations of bribery, joining U.S. authorities in their bribery investigations into the energy services company.

  • Article

    FCPA Pilot Program leads to two 2017 declinations


    The FCPA Pilot Program declinations we have seen so far in 2017 both make substantial additions to the precedent for how to avoid prosecution under the FCPA.

  • Blog

    Don’t speak at anti-corruption event, then demand a bribe payment


    Well, that’s awkward. A look at the ironic case of Colombia’s top anti-corruption prosecutor, who was arrested in Miami for attempted corruption through extortion of a criminal defendant.

  • Article

    Distilling lessons from the FCPA Pilot Program


    A year after the DoJ launched its FCPA pilot program, companies are gaining much-valued insight on how to self-disclose and cooperate with the Criminal Division’s Fraud Section.

  • Article

    Brazil’s largest corruption investigation in history hits new heights … and lows


    As Brazilian investigators look into massive corruption between public officials and one of the country’s biggest companies, scandal-weary Brazilians wonder when this will all end.

  • Blog

    Will Odebrecht survive?


    A look at how Odebrecht is trying to salvage itself from the ruins of its corrupt run as one of the leading construction companies in the Americas.

  • Blog

    FCPA enforcement-giving confidence to financial markets


    Judge Stanley Sporkin’s foresight in enacting the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in the correct manner is a big reason behind why there is a large amount of confidence in U.S. companies.

  • Blog

    CDM Smith probe ends in declination with disgorgement


    The Fraud Section of the Justice Department’s Criminal Division last month issued its seventh declination under the FCPA Pilot Program, and the second under the Trump Administration. It was also the fourth declination with disgorgement, a developing FCPA enforcement trend.

  • Blog

    FCPA protects the safety and health of Americans


    Some continue to believe that bribery and corruption that occurs outside the United States does not concern the United States, its laws, or is even worth the time of U.S. law enforcement agencies. This myopic view belies both the inter-connectedness of the world’s economy and the facts on the ground.

  • Blog

    Linde FCPA probe ends in DoJ declination


    The Department of Justice closed its investigation into industrial-gas supplier Linde for alleged violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act without bringing an enforcement action, making it the first public declination under the Trump Administration.

  • Resource

    Are You Ready For ISO 37001?

    2017-06-19T16:00:00Z Provided by

    Title: Are You Ready For ISO 37001?Learn the facts about how ISO 37001 will integrate top-level leadership, training, bribery risk assessment, due diligence adequacy, financial and commercial controls, reporting, audit and investigation, all to keep your organization better protected from harm. Are you ready for ISO 37001?

  • Article

    Auto industry choking on its own fumes


    Volkswagen gets all the stick for being a problem child of the auto industry, but plenty of automakers have compliance issues of their own. A look at some key auto maker probes is inside.

  • Blog

    Tip of the (compliance) hat to Hui Chen


    A look at Hui Chen’s career at the Department of Justice, serving as the compliance counsel and, most importantly, putting the compliance function front and center in the fight against FCPA violations.

  • Blog

    SEC suspends former PetroTiger general counsel


    The Securities and Exchange Commission has suspended the former general counsel of oil and gas services provider PetroTiger from practicing before the Commission after he pleaded guilty to violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.