In a recent announcement, Amylin Pharmaceuticals said it named two candidates nominated by dissident shareholders Carl Icahn and Eastbourne Capital Management to its board of directors. The results were tabulated by the company's independent inspector of elections.

Amylin Chairman Joseph Cook and Lead Independent Director James Wilson were not re-elected; eight of the company's board were relected; two new independent nominees, Paul Clark and Paulo Costa, made the cut; and Icahn Lieutenant Alexander Denner and Eastbourne nominee Kathleen Behrens were also added to the board.

Icahn and Eastbourne have been openly critical of Amylin's management team, as they believe Amylin mishandled its prominent diabetes medicine, Byetta. The two fought hard to get representation on Amylin's 12-member board, with Icahn nominating two candidates and Eastbourne putting forth three nominees.