- Chief Compliance Officer and VP of Legal Affairs, Arrow Electronics
By Jaclyn Jaeger2015-11-15T17:15:00
U.S. District Judge Janet Bond Arterton of the District of Connecticut has sentenced French power and transportation giant Alstom to pay a record $772 million criminal penalty to the Department of Justice to resolve charges over violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. The sentence marks the largest criminal fine ...
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2020-03-09T16:35:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
Lawrence Hoskins, a former executive of French power and transportation company Alstom, was sentenced to one year and three months in prison for his role in a money-laundering scheme that prosecutors say was designed to promote violations of the FCPA.
2020-02-27T18:42:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
In a setback for the DOJ, a federal judge has acquitted, in part, a former executive of French power and transportation company Alstom for his role in a foreign bribery scheme in Indonesia.
2019-11-11T20:57:00Z By Jaclyn Jaeger
A former Alstom executive was found guilty by a federal jury for his role in a multi-year, multi-million-dollar foreign bribery scheme and related money-laundering scheme in Indonesia.
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