Sometimes reasonable people can differ on the proper length of a convicted felon's sentence. Take Allen Stanford, for example, who is expected to be sentenced on June 14. 

Yesterday, U.S. prosecutors urged U.S. District Judge David Hittner to sentence Stanford to prison for 230 years -- 80 years more than Bernard Madoff received for his Ponzi scheme. Prosecutors called Stanford a "ruthless predator" and said he ranks "among the greediest, most selfish, and utterly remorseless criminals." Prosecutors added that "the sheer magnitude of the money stolen, the duration of the crime, and the extent to which Stanford lived a life steeped in deceit are almost unrivaled," justifying "the most severe punishment permitted by law."

Stanford's lawyers, on the other hand, believe that prosecutors have overshot the appropriate sentence for Stanford by over two centuries -- 227 years, to be exact. In fact, Stanford's lawyers have asked the court to impose a prison term of just 31 to 44 months for their client, meaning that he would be a free man and back on the golf course this month given that he has already served over three years in custody. "We feel like our recommendations are every bit as appropriate as I'm sure they think theirs are," said one of Stanford's lawyers.