Active Risk has announced the global launch of ARM 6, the latest release of its Active Risk Manager (ARM) software. ARM 6 makes it simple to engage more employees in the risk management process, visualize connections between risks, and graphically report risks more effectively.

Many organizations see risk management as a complex task. After collecting feedback from hundreds of customers, Active Risk developed ARM 6 to make the risk management process simple to engage more employees in the risk management process, visualize connections between risks, and graphically report risks more effectively.

ARM 6 delivers effective enterprise risk management capabilities that go far beyond the often-used Excel spreadsheets. New features in ARM 6 include:

ARM Core: Enhanced globalization features, including multi-currency and multi-language enablement, and deeper project management integration;

ARM Risk Connectivity: The ability to identify hidden ‘catalyst risks' which can have major cross-functional effects;

ARM Risk Performance Manager (RPM): The fastest way to create personalized, graphically-rich reports and dashboards, without the need for IT resource;

ARM Apps: Easy-to-use Apps for risk and incident management designed specifically for front-line employees; and

ARM Unplugged: An offline risk application with synchronization to ARM's corporate risk register eliminating disconnected spreadsheets.

“ARM 6 provides a simple way to involve more employees in the risk process and makes it personal to the role they play," said Loren Padelford, executive vice president and general manager at Active Risk. "It turns risk-related data into a valuable corporate resource to drive strategy and performance."