Actiance, enablers of the safe and compliant use of unified communications, collaboration and Web 2.0, announced new capabilities to archive and monitor Facebook Group, Fan and Personal pages, regardless of the device used to post the content.


Actiance's Socialite enables the secure, managed and compliant use of social media. Socialite's direct API access to Facebook enables the automatic discovery of personal and corporate Facebook Fan and Group pages to archive posted content, including image files, regardless of the device used to access the Facebook account. Socialite also enables an administrator to automatically take down unwanted content, such as profanities and brand damaging content, from Facebook Group and Fan pages.

With Socialite, Actiance is able to give organizations peace of mind that their brand and reputation are protected. Actiance ensures all interactions with Facebook are under control, regardless of device or platform, since it supports Android, iOS, Symbian, webOS and BlackBerry operating systems. The Actiance platform ensures organizations can protect their networks against inbound malware, mitigate information leakage risks and ensure that corporate, regulatory and e-discovery requirements are met.