In response to customer demand stemming from increased regulatory scrutiny and enforcement, ACL has launched a new anti-bribery and anti-corruption solution package.

Although most companies have a mature internal control framework in place with regard to financial reporting, these control activities seldom detect issues of bribery and corruption. One-off, haphazard approaches that lead to gaps in the monitoring and identification of instances of corruption, as well as a lack of technical skills required to establish technology-enabled anti-bribery mitigation, leave organizations dangerously exposed.

ACL's latest offering packages ACL technology with expert consulting services to support 30 key controls monitored with 20 analytical tests that automatically comb massive quantities of data for suspicious patterns and share results for reporting and remediation. By using the ACL solution, organizations are able to implement the technology and internal processes required to assess, monitor, and share anti-bribery results in a matter of weeks, as opposed to several months or years.