ACI Worldwide, an international provider of payments systems, has announced the availability of the latest version of BASE24-eps, its integrated payment solution for acquiring, authenticating, switching, and authorizing financial transactions across multiple channels.

BASE24-eps 11.1 extends ACI's support in the global payments market with new connections to support local payment schemes and device types.  Among other benefits, the new version is designed to lower customers' total cost of ownership while expanding choice, through its enhanced multi-platform architecture that supports various deployment options.

New features of BASE24-eps 11.1 include:

Flexibility with new platform and technology options: New support for DB2 on IBM System p, which gives customers greater flexibility in their choice of platform and infrastructure, and enables them to leverage existing investments in technology and support resources.

Expanded global capabilities for ATM and POS acquiring: New support for NCR's newest NDC standard message interface, extends EMV and key management support, and adds a new POS ISO acquiring interface. These capabilities enable customers to offer new features and services that increase revenues, through added transaction acquiring and processing flexibility.

Regional enablement and new endpoints: Support for 40 global and regional networks and enhanced EMV acquiring and key management support.

BASE24-to BASE24-eps migration tools: Enhanced data conversion support and enhanced ISO Host (1987) Interface features to further enable phased migrations from BASE24 to BASE24-eps.