All Accounting & Auditing articles – Page 87

  • Blog

    New EU auditor rotation rules have auditors playing musical chairs


    Are companies ready for new EU-wide auditor rules coming in June? A survey commissioned by Big Four firm EY of 100 senior-level executives and non-executives in the FTSE 350 finds that while a majority, 83 percent, understands the rotation rules, only 42 percent have a plan in place. More than ...

  • Blog

    PwC elects Tim Ryan new U.S. chairman


    Image: /*-->*/ PwC has appointed former audit leader Timothy Ryan as its new U.S. chairman for a four-year term. Ryan succeeds Bob Moritz, another former audit leader who was recently appointed global chairman of PwC after two terms as U.S. chairman. Ryan has served since 2013 ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB proposes new rules for supervising outside audit work


    The PCAOB is changing the rules on how audit firms must manage the outside auditors they hire to help with audit work. The board has proposed for public comment a new standard and amendments to existing standards to direct auditors on how they must evaluate and supervise the work of ...

  • Article

    Regulators explore what’s wrong with audit supervision


    Image: Audit supervision in general and auditing firm staffing levels and management structure in particular are under scrutiny as an old question surfaces: How can audit firms improve the quality of their own systems? “There is this inference that we keep finding engagements where we think the auditing standards aren’t ...

  • Blog

    Markit launches CTI Tax Solutions for Common Reporting Standard


    Markit, a global provider of financial information services, has announced the launch of Markit CTI Tax Solutions for the Common Reporting Standard, which identifies tax residency and performs due diligence on customer accounts. The solution enables institutions to conduct due diligence through validating account data across existing books and records, ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB prepares new rule on outside auditors, reviews EQR standard


    The PCAOB has scheduled an open meeting to consider a proposed new requirment around firms relying on others outside the principal firm to assist with audit work. The new proposal would address the lead auditor’s responsibilities with respect to those other auditors from outside the principal audit firm who participate ...

  • Blog

    Yamana Gold discloses fees for ESG assurance


    A gold mining company’s recent disclosure of its cost for obtaining assurance with respect to its use of conflict materials might be the first of its kind, but the lack of standards in this area, coupled with a lack of independent third-party assurance points to a need for higher-quality reports ...

  • Blog

    What depreciation at Intel says about Moore’s Law


    A recent earnings statement by one of the world’s leading semiconductor manufacturers offers what looks like good news at first blush, but in reality might suggest that a bigger, and more negative trend might be underway. At the heart of it: a potential slowdown in Moore’s Law itself, the law ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB delivers searing inspection report to BDO USA


    BDO USA received a scathing 2014 inspection report from the PCAOB. Among the 23 audits the board selected for inspection, 17, or 74%, had issues, a record high rate among major firms. Of the 17 busted audits, 15 contained problems in both the audit of financial statements and the audit ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB reports compliance with communications standard


    Image: The PCAOB said it is “encouraged” that most firms have complied with Auditing Standard No. 16, a standard governing communication with audit committees, as the board found no failures to comply in 93 percent of the audits reviewed in the 2014 inspection cycle. “The communication between an audit firm ...

  • Blog

    FASB offers guidance on hedge accounting complexities


    Image: Hedge accounting can help organizations manage exposures that range from changing interest rates to counterparty credit risk. But the rules that govern hedge accounting are extremely detailed and require close compliance consideration. CW columnist Robert Herz discusses how, with new regulations proposed, things are only going to get more ...

  • Article

    New accounting rules aim to make change for unredeemed gift cards


    Everybody has an unspent gift card or two around the house. Maybe you just never got to the store to use it, or maybe there’s only got a few dollars left on it and it would feel like a pain to zero it out. But unspent cards like these are ...

  • CreditImpairment

    FASB plans new discussion on credit impairment effective date, guidance


    Image: FASB is reconsidering the planned effective date for the final standard on credit impaiment and is promising clarifications after concerns were raised by community bankers and credit unions over whether the requirements would lead to difficult and costly accounting processes and procedures. FASB Chairman Russ Golden said the board ...

  • Blog

    ISACA provides guide to planning an information system audit


    Internal auditors looking to get more involved in information systems audits can turn to a new white paper titled Information Systems Auditing Tools and Techniques: Creating Audit Programs, from ISACA, a global global association of professionals focused on IS audit and control. The paper outlines five steps auditors should take ...

  • Blog

    FASB simplifies share-based payment accounting


    Image: FASB has issued new guidance to smooth over several rough spots in the requirements around stock compensation, such as how to account for the tax consequences of share-based payments, classification of the awards as either equity or liability, and classification on the statement of cash flow. Chairman Russ Golden ...

  • Blog

    SEC staff call out custom axis tag use in XBRL filings


    The SEC is advising companies to take a careful look at their use of axis tags in their XBRL filings. The SEC has been studying corporate filings from 2013 to 2015 in the “XBRL format looking for problems that lead to data quality concerns, with axis tags being one such ...

  • GavelOnCash

    SEC fines energy company $300K over rubber stamp internal controls


    Image: A recent SEC action against a company for maintaining insufficient internal controls signals a new effort from federal authorities to hold companies to higher standards when it comes to internal control material weaknesses and significant deficiencies. “This is a case that doesn’t have a punchline,” says Tom Sporkin, a ...

  • Blog

    The auditor as behavioral scientist


    Image: Inside, CW columnist Jose Tabuena examines the power of data analytics and predictive models to assess compliance effectiveness and encourage employees toward acting responsibly, thereby ensuring an ethical workplace. But, Tabuena advises, keep in mind that predictive models only yield benefits if used appropriately.

  • Blog

    In defense of auditors


    Companies do a lot of complaining about auditors, but it seems like the auditor is in a no-win situation. In an attempt to get auditor and client on the same page, CW’s Scott Taub covers a few of the most common complaints about auditors, along with a few thoughts on ...

  • Resource

    e-Book: Modern Technology: Changing the Face of Audit

    2016-03-28T11:30:00Z Provided by

    Advanced IT to improve monitoring and testing exists, but integrating those solutions into corporate data warehouses and business operations is harder than first thought. In this e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Workiva, we look at how companies can effectively revisit ERP systems or try new software.Also, now ...