Abacus Group, a provider of hosted IT solutions for hedge funds and private equity funds, has expanded its application hosting services partnership network, providing hedge fund and private equity firms with access to fully hosted and managed business applications on the AbacusFLEX private cloud platform.

The AbacusFLEX private cloud platform enables funds to meet new technology-driven regulatory and investor requirements in a cost efficient way using a secure environment. AbacusFLEX offers complete integration with front-office trading applications, back-office reporting systems, as well as managing e-mail and files. AbacusFLEX also incorporates a compliance feature that allows firms to meet the Dodd-Frank electronic message monitoring policy.

Abacus' hosted solutions also provide an effective and convenient way to deploy new applications while minimizing or eliminating the need for proprietary on-site hardware and dedicated IT staff. Abacus' services also offer clients the flexibility to host any application, scalability to add resources as needed, and the assurance that data is always available and protected.