Jean Eaglesham has an interesting article in today's WSJ noting and breaking down the extraordinary turnover the SEC has had in its leadership ranks in the past year or so. Specifically, she observes:

Mary Jo White is the SEC's third chairman in the last nine months;

Three of the SEC's five commissioners have left the agency since December;

Since July 2012, four of the SEC's five division chiefs have stepped down (in the Trading and Markets, Corporation Finance, Enforcement, and Investment Management divisions);

Since July 2012, four of the SEC's 11 regional directors have stepped down; and

Three of the heads of the Enforcement Division's five specialized enforcement units have left the agency since May 1

An SEC spokesman told the WSJ, however, that its own, broader review of its approximately 120 most senior officers shows that departures have held steady at between 15% -18% in the past four fiscal years.

The WSJ article also has a cool graphic that shows, position-by-position, the high-level turnover at the SEC since July 2012. Click on the image below to check it out.