Calling all members of the ethics & compliance community, we need your help! Compliance Week and Kroll are conducting our annual survey of anti-bribery and corruption practices again.

The Anti-Bribery & Corruption Report is a partnership between Kroll and Compliance Week to get a comprehensive view of corruption risks today and how global businesses are trying to fight them. We debuted the ABC report last year to much fanfare—looking at reporting relationships, corruption risks in various parts of the world, budgets, staffing, department structures, due diligence efforts, and more. (We also reached the rather unsettling conclusion that smaller businesses, and those based outside North America, pay much less heed to corruption risks than U.S. businesses do. After all, what can go wrong there?)

Now we need your help: please take the 2014 Anti-Bribery & Corruption survey on behalf of your company, to give us fresh data for this year. (If the link above does not work, you can take the survey here:

The survey is free, secure, and private; not even we at Compliance Week get to see which company submitted specific results. The aggregate data will be sliced, diced, and analyzed, and presented at the Compliance Week 2014 conference in Washington, D.C. this May. Our printed report will then arrive on subscribers' desks in June. We ask only 30 questions, and it should not take more than 15-20 minutes of your time to complete.

Every compliance executive can appreciate the struggle to develop an effective anti-corruption program, and benchmarking data such as the ABC report is critical to help you understand what a “normal” program looks like. We cannot succeed without you, so please take the survey and help us deliver something the profession always needs. Thank you for your help.